Surrender to Magic 10957

DVID N: 10957 - Y: 2014

Duilio Forte solo exhibition in Stockholm

‘Surrender to Magic’ at Italian Designs Embassy will celebrate the first solo exhibition in Sweden of Duilio Forte | AtelierFORTE, a great example of mixing patterns and visions between northern and southern cultures.
The atmosphere will be full of enticing delights, from design to food, hence a perfect interlude to indulge the enchantment of this coming Christmas.

Opening: Thursday the 11th of December 2014 – from 5 pm
Italian Designs Embassy, Sibyllegatan 46 – Stockholm


Duilio Forte viene celebrato nella mostra personale ‘Surrender to Magic’ di Italian Designs Embassy.

L’artista, che sarà presente all’inaugurazione, è stato scelto per la sua personale visione estetica, frutto del connubio tra cultura nordica e italiana.

Opening: giovedì 11 dicembre 2014, dalle 17
Italian Designs Embassy, Sibyllegatan 46 – Stockholm


© AtelierFORTE 2024 - MMXXIV - AF XXVI

Duilio Forte, via Corelli 34 - Milano - P.Iva: 11389170157 - ©2024 All rights reserved
